Would You Get Paid To Do Nothing for The Rest of Your Life?
It seems too good to be true—a job in Sweden that would pay you a generous salary to punch a clock twice-a-day and do whatever you want in-between. But would it be good for you?
Is It OK To Say "OK, Boomer?"
It sounds like a cheeky way to blow off the opinion of someone older than you—but does this phrase cross the line when it comes to snark?
Research Reveals 1 out of 3 Retirees Would Live Elsewhere
A surprisingly high percentage of retirees say they’d pick a different spot in which to spend their later years. In a survey of people in their 70’s, 31% say “no” when asked “if you had to do it all over again, based on what you know now, would you choose where you are currently residing again?”.
AFA Asks: How Is Your Community Reacting to Coronavirus?
Different parts of the country are taking different measures to deal with the spread of SARS-CoV-2, aka, Coronavirus. How is your community reacting?
What People Don't Know About Social Security, But Should
It’s startling how little people really know about what, for many people, could be their biggest asset in retirement. We’re trying to fix that.
Four In 10 Retirees Say “I Wish I’d Filed For Social Security Later”
MassMutual Social Security Pulse Check Reveals Many Regret Their Timing On Claiming Benefits
Will My Retirement Job Affect Social Security?
You can have your cake and eat it too when it comes to working in a retirement. In years past, Social Security laws discouraged older workers from staying on the job. But that’s no longer the case.
The Best Age Friendly Places To Retire
So much of your experience in retirement will revolve around where you live—why not base that decision on first-hand experience, data, and a methodology for highlighting the best spots?
Looking to Stay Young at 80? Learn from Two Nude Models
Barry and Joanne have been married 57 years. They've spent the last 15 modeling.
Investing in the Longevity Economy
Stocks to consider based on the inexorable growth in the number of older adults. Serving the needs of older adults is turning into big business. Here are a few industries and companies to watch. We welcome your ideas too.