Places to live
Age-Friendly Communities strive to meet the needs of residents as they age. Is your community age-friendly?
Places to get health care
Age-Friendly Care is health care that addresses your unique needs and wants. Have you experienced age-friendly care?
Places to work
Age-Friendly Employers are committed to being the best places to work for people 50+. Is your employer age-friendly?
A Movement Powered by People Like You!

A Movement Powered by People Like You!
Every day, 10,000 people in the U.S. turn 65 years old. Countless more care for the older adults in their lives. Together, we can build an age-friendly world. Enter your email and zip code to get started.

Health Care Facilities Near Ashburn, VA
Age-Friendly care is health care that addresses our unique needs and wants as we age. Find hospitals and nursing homes near you leave a rating, and tell us what you think.