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Is It OK To Say "OK, Boomer?"

It sounds like a cheeky way to blow off the opinion of someone older than you—but does this phrase cross the line when it comes to snark?

Staff Writers 69 Comments
Is It OK To Say "OK, Boomer?"

The New York Times published a piece that has had far-ranging effects and stoked inter-generational ire just by focusing on what could be viewed as an innocuous phrase: “OK, boomer.” The article explains the rising popularity of responding to older people’s opinions by saying “OK, boomer,” referring to their belonging to the Baby Boomer generation. The phrase began among Zoomers and is meant to encapsulate the angst of Gen Z when it comes to the world they’ve inherited—and there may be some legitimacy. Millennials were the first generation worse off than the generation before them. To quote the article:

A lot of [Baby Boomers] don’t believe in climate change or don’t believe people can get jobs with dyed hair, and a lot of them are stubborn in that view. Teenagers just respond, ‘Ok, boomer.’ It’s like, we’ll prove you wrong, we’re still going to be successful because the world is changing.


The phrase has gained so much attention that one entrepreneurial Zoomer put a design of the words on clothing and sold more than $10,000 worth of merchandise.

Following the article, “OK, boomer” seems to have captured the cultural moment. A 25 year-old politician in New Zealand used it to silence older hecklers, The Times’ own opinion column weighed in on it, and the Internet is still abuzz with the echo of “OK, boomer” fallout weeks after the article was published.

But is it OK to say “OK, boomer?” Detractors say that at best it’s stereotypical, at worst it’s ageism. Baby Boomer proponents say that it’s a flippant phrase and shouldn’t be given more weight than it deserves.

Where do you fall in the debate? Is it OK for teens and young adults to say “OK, boomer” or are they crossing a line? Let us know in the comments.

Date posted: Oct 17, 2022
Staff Writers

Staff Writers are content experts, community members, educational partners, and bloggers. Articles are reviewed by the Age Friendly Institute.

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The average age of the Apollo Mission Control staff was around 25. This was from 1969 thru 1972. I am proud to be a "Boomer". Please tell me that the next generations will take up the tasks of putting humanity back on the moon and eventually Mars. I think the kids need a grand mission.


I have heard the comment before, and it really didn’t make too much sense to me. It’s what I am, and if the young people want to disregard my opinion or advice, it’s on them. It’s ironic the way young people treat older folks these days; it’s like they think they are never going to get old. Remember, what goes around comes around.


Usually doesn't bother me. I just consider the source.


Too bad unfounded hatred and ignorance continues. As a boomer, we rioted against vietnam, we rioted at the democratic convention, we were killed at kent state, we were vilified because we looked different, we fought the establishment, we impeached nixon, we picketed - i could go on. I am sick to death of entitled little ****ers who think they're better than anyone else.


There has always been divisiveness between generations in my lifetime. My country love or leave it was specifically directed to those in my generation who protested the war. And we were told not to trust anyone over 30. Peace.

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