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Cambridge Health Alliance

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Cambridge Health Alliance

Cambridge, MA
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
User Rating
This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this hospital to older friends and family members
Would you recommend Cambridge Health Alliance to your older friends and family?

reviews (2)

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I’ve been a patient here since birth and I’ll tell you, the services and quality of care has really gone downhill and fast. I left a mychart message for my pc in august and still waiting, I’m in search of new doctors and specialists, sad that it’s come to this.

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My 79-year old aunt was brought here through their ER with stomach problems. She was treated professionally, admitted for 2 days, and discharged. We all felt she had first class service and medical attention.

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Why should you leave a review?

Sharing honest feedback about your experience will help other users in their search for Age-Friendly care. Some questions to consider:

  • blue-check
    Did you feel that providers listened to what matters most to you or the people you help care for?
  • blue-check
    Did you have a chance to discuss medications and how to stay on top of what you’re taking?
  • blue-check
    Was the ability to stay active and mobile taken into consideration?
  • blue-check
    Did providers talk to you or your loved one about your mood and memory , which are important elements of health and wellbeing?

Learn more about hospital quality

Want more hospital quality performance data? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the nation’s hospitals work collaboratively to publicly report hospital quality performance information on the Care Compare website.

Learn more