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Windsor Connecticut
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4.49 out of 5 stars
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Windsor is a town in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States, and was the first English settlement in the state. It lies on the northern border of Connecticut's capital, Hartford. The population of Windsor was 29,044 at the 2010 census.Poquonock is a northern area of Windsor that has its own zip code (06064) for post-office box purposes. Other unincorporated areas in Windsor include Rainbow and Hayden Station in the north, and Wilson and Deerfield in the south.
The Day Hill Road area is known as Windsor's Corporate Area, although other centers of business include New England Tradeport, Kennedy Industry Park and Kennedy Business Park, all near Bradley International Airport and the Addison Road Industrial Park.

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Great community everyone is friendly school system are great athletic programs are good as well and it feels like a safe community

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I have great number of yrs working with elderly and special needs clients , I'm currently looking for some hours as I'm 67 yrs old I have experience in live in as well as hospice care

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Great community, great jobs, easy commute to varies locations. Very quiet place

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Very quiet and peaceful great area to raise family and age in.

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