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Towson Maryland
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4.38 out of 5 stars
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Towson () is an unincorporated community and a census-designated place in Baltimore County, Maryland. The population was 55,197 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat, and the second-most populated unincorporated county seat in the United States (after Ellicott City, the seat in nearby Howard County, southwest of Baltimore).

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reviews (26)

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There is a lot of community engagement in Towson. There are also grocery stores that open during certain times specifically for people 60+. I've seen several buses/transportation that are exclusively for older people, which is believe is very accommodating.

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What makes the town friendly is that everyone gets along with each other an have respect for 1another no matter what the skin color you are everyone she love

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I am sorry but I do not anything about the neighborhood. I work and go straight in the house.

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I live in the heart of downtown Towson where there is college students, seniors, and middle age people I been here for about 4 years and everyone I ran into seems to have a friendly attitude.

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The neighborhood is very age friendly , we have transportation right across the street , nice clean neighborhood ..

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