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San Jose California
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San Jose, officially the City of San José, is an economic, cultural, and political center of Silicon Valley and the largest city in Northern California. San Jose is the county seat of Santa Clara County, the most affluent county in California and one of the most affluent counties in the United States.

Council on Aging Silicon Valley provides Santa Clara County seniors and caregivers the tools and services they need to age well at home. Through a comprehensive network of resources, Council on Aging Silicon Valley provides expertise, education, and quality support services. The best way for seniors and caregivers to become familiar with the wide variety of services available in Santa Clara County is to contact our Information and Assistance specialists who provide answers to your aging-related questions and can connect you to the help you need

  • Services include information & awareness, health insurance counseling & advocacy program, senior employment services, meals on wheels, care management, family caregiver support program, public authority services, senior farmers' market nutrition program

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Most companies discriminate against older adults here. I know because it has happened to me. They like to hire younger adults, esp is the manager is young.

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