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New York New York
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New York City can be a good place for older adults to live, but it depends on individual preferences and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Healthcare: New York City is home to numerous world-class hospitals, medical centers, and specialized healthcare providers. The city offers a wide range of healthcare services, including geriatric care, and has a robust healthcare infrastructure. Access to quality healthcare can be an advantage for older adults.

  2. Cultural and Recreational Opportunities: New York City is renowned for its vibrant cultural scene, including Broadway shows, museums, art galleries, music performances, and more. There are also parks, green spaces, and recreational activities available for leisure and relaxation. For older adults interested in cultural experiences and staying active, the city offers a wealth of opportunities.

  3. Transportation: New York City has an extensive public transportation system, including subway lines, buses, and accessible transportation options. The city's transportation network can be convenient for older adults who prefer not to rely on personal vehicles. However, the bustling nature of the city may require adjustment for individuals with mobility issues or who prefer a quieter environment..

  4. Age-Friendly Initiatives: New York City has implemented various age-friendly initiatives to support older adults. These initiatives aim to improve accessibility, social participation, and community support for the aging population. Examples include programs for affordable housing, senior centers, and services geared towards older adults.

  5. Cost of Living: It's important to note that New York City has a high cost of living, including housing, transportation, and general expenses. The cost of housing, in particular, can be significantly higher compared to other cities. Financial considerations should be taken into account when evaluating the suitability of the city for older adults.

  6. Urban Environment: New York City is a bustling metropolis with a fast-paced and lively atmosphere. While this can be exciting for some, others may find it overwhelming or prefer a quieter environment. Noise, crowds, and the density of the city should be considered based on personal preferences and lifestyle.

The NYC Map of Aging shows available services, and amenities for residents age 65+.

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to your older friends and family?

reviews (630)

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It is a very Age friendly neighborhood. A lot of stores, restaurants, things to do. Very diverse neighborhood and everyone seems to be very friendly. Houses are lovely and most apartment buildings are well kept with elevators and many amenities in building.

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Forest Hills is age-friendly. We have 4 subway lines and plenty of bus routes in Forest Hills - makes commuting in Queens and into Manhattan quick and easy. There are plenty of banks, pharmacies, opticians, restaurants and businesses which make living here wonderfully convenient.

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People of all ages live in my community from the very young to the very old and there are a lot of means of transportation for everyone especially public transportation

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My neighborhood is very diverse and age-friendly. Many children and adults of all nationalities and age groups are evident where I live. While walking around you will see babies in strollers, kids on their bikes, teenagers on skateboards, and senior citizens strolling the grounds. A wonderful mix of all that's right in America!

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There is Easy accessible public transportation, many restaurants deliver to home, great health care and hospitals, good senior centers all in Manhattan. In addition, there is a good mix of different ages in the apartment buildings where I live and neighbors are friendly with each other. When Hurricane Sandy hit us in 2012 all the neighbors on my floor took turns preparing dinner and doing errands for each other from young to seniors.

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I don't think this neighborhood goes either way. It has nothing to do with age. There are reduced fair metro cards and discounts at the movies, but there are no outward facilities that stand out except for the senior center at one of the churches.

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The village is very welcoming to all ages and nationalities. The old and young live together and go to restaurants, shops etc without judgement. There are rich and middle class living side by side

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My neighborhood is age-friendly because it has many restaurants, shops of all kinds, local transportation (subway, buses), parks and zoos, (Prospect Park and Prospect Park Zoo), botanic gardens, library, churches, and much more.

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Not that age friendly, very expensive to live here. Very hard to afford on social security. Too many young people. Needs more age related activities that are affortable.

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It is a family neighborhood with lots of family restaurants and venues and has a ymca for children's and local residents to visit Z they like and enjoy

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