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Louisville Kentucky
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3.91 out of 5 stars
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Louisville is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the 29th-most populous city in the United States. It is one of two cities in Kentucky designated as first-class, the other being the state's second-largest city of Lexington. Louisville is the historical seat and, since 2003, the nominal seat of Jefferson County.

The Office for Aging & Disabled Citizens provides leadership to and participates in community activities, advocating for rights, policies and funding that can enhance the lives and independence of seniors and disabled individuals. The primary ways in which the Office for Aging and Disabled Citizens interacts with the community to maintain age-friendliness are as follows:

  • The office works to ensure efficient and timely access to information and resources by and for aging and disabled citizens.  We do this by providing information on community resources to the community at large.

  • Educate the community on the needs of aging and disabled citizens; serve as a resource for giving information and referrals to individual citizens and provide consultation to community groups on aging and disability issues.

  • Participate in community initiatives to sustain and improve services and funding to aging and disabled citizens.

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reviews (77)

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Good housing, good entertainment like Actors Theater, good sports enthusiasm, good golf courses, good restaraunts, including ethnic.

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I believe the diversity in these neighborhoods are very well. I don't see any issues.

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Excellent neighborhood for years with lots of retired elderly my neighborhood

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Seems like not a lot people have respect for other people like they use to and there's more crime now in Louisville more then when I was a child but there's still a lot of good

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I believe our elders have the keys of wisdom and success in their hands. I believe in giving them the up most respect and best treatment possible whether in grocery store or on roads

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