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Charlotte North Carolina
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3.75 out of 5 stars
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Charlotte is the most populous city in the U.S. state of North Carolina 1.

Centralina Area Agency on Aging:

Centralina Area Agency on Aging (AAA) strives to support and enhance the capacity of service and advocacy systems to promote independence, preserve dignity and advocate for the rights of older and disabled adults and their families.

The Centralina AAA serves a nine county region and is an “on-the-ground” organization charged with helping vulnerable older adults and people with disabilities live with independence and dignity in their homes and communities.  The CAAA serves the counties of Anson, Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly & Union.  We are located at 9815 David Taylor Dr., Charlotte, NC  28262.

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to your older friends and family?

reviews (465)

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Transportation needs improvement in this city. Also the cost of living could be more affordable so that fixed income residents could live more comfortably.

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Love living here everybody say hello and smile at you

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Lots of retirement communities/ lots of cultural opportunities.

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Some people are friendly and some are not ,Their are a lot of family members in the same neighborhood, so they don't except to many outsiders.

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There are people of all ages here.

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