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What Do I Need to Tell the Doctor?

Talking about your health means sharing information about how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. Knowing how to describe your symptoms and bring up other concerns will help you become a partner in your health care. Use these worksheets to organize your questions and information when talking with your doctor


8 Elements of an Age-Friendly Community

Age-friendly communities - cities, towns, villages and even counties and states -  are great places to grow up and to grow old. An age-friendly community, no matter its size, supports people to be active, healthy, productive and socially included throughout their lives.


Guide To Annual Enrollment

While you may be overwhelmed with the amount of information out there on AEP, here’s a guide to help you prepare for enrolling in coverage during the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period 2024. 


6 Fast Facts About Type 2 Diabetes

If you haven’t been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, chances are you probably know someone who has. That’s because older adults are at increased risk of diseases that impact their ability to regulate their blood sugar as they age. For some, it’s a matter of genetics. For others, it’s triggered by lifestyle and diet choices. But those who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes, can continue to live active, healthy lives if they make the right changes.


Want To Make Aging Easier In Your Community? Here’s How.

Do you know how towns are becoming more age friendly? This video from the Berkshires in Massachusetts can give you ideas as how to kick start your community’s age friendly initiatives.


Reviewer Badges

Get recognized for contributing reviews to the community!


Guess Who’s Fighting Ageism Now? Madonna

The Boston Globe has a great write-up on the newest warrior in the fight against workplace discrimination and ageism: Madonna.


Social Security Filing Strategies for Married Couples

If you are married and ready to retire, you’ll need to consider the strategy you use to file for Social Security benefits carefully. The age at which both you and your spouse begin collecting benefits will affect not just the amount you receive as a couple today, but the amount of money available to the surviving spouse.


Medicare Enrollment While Still Working? Here’s How It’s Done

More older Americans are working after age 65 than ever before. Some do it for financial reasons. The added income helps defray health care and other living expenses. Others do it for social and intellectual benefits. Regardless of why you may decide to continue working past age 65, you can receive Medicare benefits while you’re still working. Here’s how Medicare works when you’re not retired.


Aging Insights TV: Age Friendly Communities

In this episode of Aging Insights TV, which comes to us from New Jersey, we learn about how organizers in two states-- New Jersey and Arizona-- are making their states more age friendly.   Prepare to be enticed into jumping on the bandwagon :)
