The 10 Most Affordable Places To Retire In The South
Stretch your savings and live your golden years to the fullest in these budget-friendly cities and towns.
Aging and Anxiety: Unraveling the Stressors Affecting Older Americans
Older Americans face unique challenges that lead to increased stress, which can significantly impact their health. We surveyed the Age-Friendly Institute audience to understand their stress levels and coping mechanisms.
Survey Says: 2024 Most Age-Friendly States
Based on 75,000+ user-submitted star ratings, these are the top 20 states for age-friendly living. How does your state rank? See the full list and add your own star rating and comments on your community.
“Join Me on Analog Island”
Older adults reflecting on technology say it has helped society, but there’s a big downside
Do’s and Don’ts of Pet-Friendly Travel
More older adults are traveling with their pets, and it’s easy to understand why. A beloved pet can help reduce travel stress and provide companionship during long trips. For adults who travel with service animals or emotional support dogs, knowing how to plan a pet-friendly vacation can make the experience enjoyable and safe for everyone
Travel Tips for Planning the Perfect Vacation Cruise
Vacation cruises are a popular vacation choice for many older adults, and it’s easy to see why: Cruises make it easy to get away on a luxurious cruise ship vacation that includes world-class entertainment, spas, 24/7 dining, shopping, and excursions in one travel package. Vacation cruises take the work out of relaxing and unwinding because everything you need is provided. They’re easy to navigate, even for older adults with accessibility requirements.
Research Reveals 1 out of 3 Retirees Would Live Elsewhere
A surprisingly high percentage of retirees say they’d pick a different spot in which to spend their later years. In a survey of people in their 70’s, 31% say “no” when asked “if you had to do it all over again, based on what you know now, would you choose where you are currently residing again?”.
The Best Age Friendly Places To Retire
So much of your experience in retirement will revolve around where you live—why not base that decision on first-hand experience, data, and a methodology for highlighting the best spots?
Is It OK To Say "OK, Boomer?"
It sounds like a cheeky way to blow off the opinion of someone older than you—but does this phrase cross the line when it comes to snark?