As We Age: International Adventures (Podcast)
Join Lisa Raffo in her conversation with Marilyn Mann about international retirement living.

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Join Lisa Raffo in her conversation with Marilyn Mann about international retirement living.
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Climate change draws passion-- and in many cases, action-- from younger and older generations alike.
Join Lisa Raffo as she begins a series of conversations with older adults about their life experiences. Want your story told? Send an email to: [email protected]
Climate change draws passion-- and in many cases, action-- from younger and older generations alike.
Join Lisa Raffo as she begins a series of conversations with older adults about their life experiences. Want your story told? Send an email to: [email protected]
It seems too good to be true—a job in Sweden that would pay you a generous salary to punch a clock twice-a-day and do whatever you want in-between. But would it be good for you?
It sounds like a cheeky way to blow off the opinion of someone older than you—but does this phrase cross the line when it comes to snark?
A surprisingly high percentage of retirees say they’d pick a different spot in which to spend their later years. In a survey of people in their 70’s, 31% say “no” when asked “if you had to do it all over again, based on what you know now, would you choose where you are currently residing again?”.
Barry and Joanne have been married 57 years. They've spent the last 15 modeling.
Rock and Roll never gets old—and you can tell because of the upcoming concert season. Some of the hottest tickets of the summer, purchased by concertgoers of all ages, are for performers that are age 60 plus!
Recent poll results show that 1 in 4 Americans plan on never retiring. Some view it optimistically as older adults finding purpose in work, others as a growing sign of desperation among older workers. Where does the truth lie?
Employers often have fears and concerns about hiring older workers. What may be true for many older workers may not reflect your situation but being aware of these assumptions and concerns may help you avoid getting lumped in with the rest.
Which movie treats older adults with the most respect - breaking from stereotypes through multi-dimensional characters who make interesting and complicated choices about how to live their best lives?
Even as ageism affects millions of people around the world, it remains a challenge to both identify and combat it. Take our survey to weigh in.
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