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Restore Health At Shippensburg

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania

Restore Health At Shippensburg

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well an organization performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
User Rating
This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this organization to older friends and family members.
Ownership type
For profit - Partnership
Average Number of Residents Per Day
Continuing Care Retirement Community
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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE if you love your family member DO NOT let them go to this place IT'S TERRIBLE !!! My mother was there 2 years ago. They always lost her clothes, shoes and favorite soft blanket we got her. My mother had Dementia and was on the third floor. In May 2022 my mother literally almost died of thirst. My mother couldn't help it and would pee her pants and they would have to change her diapers. Before Covid I'd visit her 3 times a week I'd take her in treats to eat and drinks and she'd be so happy. She'd always say she was so very thirsty so I'd get her a drink and she would gulp the whole thing in 2 seconds. I told her all she had to do was ask the nurse to get her a drink when she wanted one. When Covid hit I was not allowed to visit at all. I called her 3 times a week and every Friday I'd drop off her treats and drinks, She would say how thirsty she was and I told her to ask the nurse for a drink and she said she did ask but they said no. After I talked to her I'd call the nurses and tell them she needed a drink thinking they'd give her one but they would not let her drink when she asked for something. I found out later she was only allowed a very small drink with meals My mother literally almost died of thirst She became very sick from not getting enough to drink. She was in the hospital 3 days almost died. They said in 2 days she would have died When she returned I asked the the doctor from the hospital to send orders that the nurses ask my mother every 1-2 hours if she wanted a drink. My mother kept saying she was thirsty and when I called back to speak to the nurse the nurse said she was not giving my mother drink because she peed her pants all the time. Well long story short I went in there and raised hell. I told the head guy that I wanted that nurse fired and my mother better be given as much as she wants to drink whenever she wants. I was told it would change. I WAS LIED TOO NOTHING CHANGED !!! Then 5 months later my mother almost BLED TO DEATH. She got so constipated from not drinking enough that she tried to go so hard that she had internal bleeding and blood was literally RUNNING out of her. Finally after 2 days she was sent to the hospital When I got to her room they were cleaning my mother up and the bed was covered with blood and there were different sizes of blood clots on the bed it looked like a crime scene. They had an IV in trying to stop the bleeding and were giving her blood several bags. In the first 20 minutes I was there they came in 14 times to clean up blood and clots. A doctor came in and I asked him if she was going to die and he said he would do his best to save her and took her to operate to stop the bleeding. We wanted to move her out of there but didn't have money for another nursing home. I went and raised hell again and they showed me a bowel movement chart I told them it was lies that no one that would go that often would almost bleed to death When she got back I told them she had better have a drink beside her every time I called. I told them if she didn't I was going to go to every newspaper, radio station and tv station within 50 miles of the place and tell them how they almost killed her. She did have drink but there was another problem I didn't know about until it was too late to do anything about. They lost my mothers dentures and she was unable to eat. My mother DIED 4 months later FEBRUARY 25 2021. When I saw my mother after she died I couldn't believe how much weight she lost. I know she suffered !!! I FEEL THEY KILLED HER. When I went to get her things from her room I couldn't find her dentures or glasses Several women who live there said she hadn't had her dentures and glasses for months !! What I did find was several months worth of her bags of treats that she was unable to eat !I asked the nurse to find them it was several days later they had her dentures but not her glasses. My mother always said make sure I'm buried with my glasses on. I promised her I would. I made them pay for new glass to be buried in. I hope Karma comes back to each and everyone of them and they are put in a nursing home and treated the way they treated my mother!!!!!! I cry every time I think how much my mother suffered.

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