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Mission Point Health Campus Of Jackson

Jackson, Michigan

Mission Point Health Campus Of Jackson

Jackson, Michigan
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well an organization performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
User Rating
This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this organization to older friends and family members.
Ownership type
For profit - Corporation
Average Number of Residents Per Day
Continuing Care Retirement Community
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The first time I went there everything was great, even the food. 2nd time was horrible! My right arm was broken, in a plastic cast that Hangar Prosthetics measured for me. The guy brought it back and fitted it on my arm. No conversation either time. No instructions to me at all. Apparently not to the nurses at Allegiance either. It itched, it had gunk running out of it. They took me to MP. They smelled it, pulled it off and it had seeping sores and the little bit of guaze was black. then the physical therapist came in. she gave me a broom stick and demanded that I raise both arms above my head. It was fine for my good arm (left) , but horrible for my right broken arm. I asked for the other lady, whom I knew from Thome-Pace. She wasn't available. Everyone that came into my room said I was quarantined and they were tested every morning before they went to work. I should not have listened!!!! Also, twice they let me sleep with pull-ups on for over 24 hours. I could hear them, I could feel them if they touched me, but I was scared and could not respond. I was scared I was ready to die!!!! Somehow, the 2nd time I FORCED myself awake. I told them. We had to change everything; I was soaked. I ended up with a really bad yeast infection and UTIs for weeks after I left. I went home was there a few hours, and right back to the hospital. They wanted to send me to rehab again and tested me. I tested positive!!!! The only place I had the mask off was Mission Point. They also had the nerve to tell Allegiance that I was "uncooperative" during therapy. This all happened in late March through Mid April. I had yet to see "The Great Dr. Faulkner", my orthopedic surgeon. I called the office 4 times because the cast still was breaking me out. No callback. I called Hangar 4 times, no callback. I finally saw Faulkner for the first and last time in mid-July. That was NOT a fun visit!!!! He came in with 2 younger guys and mumbled something about if it was ok for them to be in there. I turned my head towards them, and their butts were already in the seats. He looked at the xrays, and didn't even let me see. Then he squeezed the skin on my broken arm together right down to the bone. He doesn't know how close he came to me puking on his shoes from the pain. "Healing nicely," the jerk says. I asked for prescription pain pills as it was still in the sling "I flung the cast down my hall at some time and broke it at home". He said to take Tylenol, which should take care of the pain. I wish he and all the medical personnel at Allegiance would take their Tylonal and shove it!!!! What's going on, do they own stock in The Tylonal corporation??? I went to Chelsea Orthopedic and the kind doctor said nothing could be done. The only thing that works on that arm is some of my fingers. I hate Faulkner,(he's as ROTTEN as Medlar was!!!!) I hate Allegiance. They only care about the all-mighty dollar!!!!

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