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Northcrest Medical Center

Springfield, Tennessee

Northcrest Medical Center

Springfield, TN
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
User Rating
This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this hospital to older friends and family members
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reviews (3)

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I am a new employee at Northcrest. After being retired for several years I decided to come out of retirement to work at my local community hospital. I worked for 37 yrs at a large metro hospital and I really enjoy this smaller more personable care we give here. I find the nursing staff very caring and respectful of all patients. Every time I am on duty and one of my patients are discharged they always so grateful to the care they received right here in their hometown. I'm proud to be practicing here.

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Tristan has and is trying to destroy our only county healthcare facility and our Physicians are leaving in droves.

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Since Tristar took over, many of our physicians have chosen to leave or retire. It is the only hospital in our county, With a limited number of physicians, it is difficult to have access to on going trusting relationship with a physician. The choice of hiring Hospitalist (who does not know anything about the patient , their background or needs). They depend on a computer system rather than knowing the patients.
Recent personal experience when hospitalized—I was ordered a medication that I had taken off of due to side effects. Had I not been able to know my medicines, I would have taken the top dose of a medicine that needs to been gradually increased in strength. The nurse (they are short of staff for multiple reasons—a young nurse recently graduated nurse —I believe had not been able to load my admission information into the computer due to an unrealistic patient load. The hospitalist pulled up old admission to obtain history and ordered from there.
The older nursing staff are leaving. They hospital is depending on young inexperienced nurse , who by the way, are being offered more money than the older staff to attract them. As a retired nurse, I know that newly graduated and licensed nurses need experienced leadership

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