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Morton Hospital

Taunton, Massachusetts

Morton Hospital

Taunton, MA
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
User Rating
This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this hospital to older friends and family members
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The attitude of the personnel. Too many different doctors seeing you from 1 day to the next. One doesn't know what the other is doing. As a patient there, I was not treated with respect, not bathed properly if at all, when I questioned a doctor as to what she was doing and wanted her to get an OK from my cardiologist before I did was she said, I was taken off oxygen not given water or ice when asked for etc. My lung specialist said to stay on oxygen. At night one nice nurse came in and asked why i was not on oxygen, i told her they said i didn't need it. She put me back on it.
A young aide came in and said they told her to watch my chest while breathing, unbelievable. They came in one afternoon said I would be discharged, I said I had no transportation. They said an ambulance would be coming. 4 hrs later ambulance finally came. I had all kinds of stickers on from being monitored when I asked the nurse if she was going to take them off I was told do it yourself. I left there with 2 infections one in my mouth and the other on my backside from lack of hygiene help. I was admitted by ambulance with A-Fib, congestive heart failure, hypoxemic lung failure. Also I was never given anything to rinse my mouth after breathing treatments. Which caused extreme infection in my mouth. I have a hiatel hernia,continuous acid reflux and gastric ulcer all which were made worse from the treatments and all the medications given at once . This was the worse experience I have ever had while being hospitalized there . When I would ring buzzer for a drink or some ice I was told they were busy and I would have to wait.. which I did for hours. There is no quality of care at this institution , the way it is being run. Unfortunately it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the rest. Not all the nurses were cruel and without any compassion. All in all it was a horrible, scary experience I would not wish on anyone.

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Had knee replacement surgery recently. From the time I went in until I was discharged the next day, I was treated by friendly staff,nurses and doctor. They never complained. They did there job with compassion and dedication. Would recommend then.

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    Did you feel that providers listened to what matters most to you or the people you help care for?
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    Did you have a chance to discuss medications and how to stay on top of what you’re taking?
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    Was the ability to stay active and mobile taken into consideration?
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    Did providers talk to you or your loved one about your mood and memory , which are important elements of health and wellbeing?

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