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Abbott Northwestern Hospital

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Abbott Northwestern Hospital

Minneapolis, MN
Government Quality Rating
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the government agency that developed this star rating system. It is based on how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates and safety of care.
User Rating
This reflects user experiences and the likelihood of recommending this hospital to older friends and family members
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reviews (3)

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Abbott Northwestern Hospital has terrible doctors. One in particular, is Dr. Peter Matthew Eckman in the Heart Hospital. He misdiagnosed me with congestive heart failure, when I was brought in for fluid retention. He kept me there for 2 weeks, subjecting me to every test there is, and refusing to allow me to see the results. Instead, he drew on a sketchpad what was ALLEGEDLY wrong with my heart, and told me that I wouldn't live to see 2020(I was hospitalized in September of 2019), unless I had a heart transplant. This doctor happens to do heart transplants at this hospital!!! He also made belittling remarks about my physical appearance, and called me a "crybaby" when I expressed concern or fear about a particular medical procedure. He wanted me to have an electrical cardioversion, and got really angry with me, when I declined the procedure. He also got angry with me when I declined a Flu shot. I haven't had the Flu since 1995, and it lasted 4 days!!! He also threatened to put a pillow over my face, because he said he was sick of my fears and questions!!! I asked him to have my one kidney checked out, because kidney problems cause fluid retention too, and he said that he didn't give a damn about my kidney, because he is a heart doctor!!! I quit going to Abbott Northwestern Hospital for follow-up appointments, and got a second opinion elsewhere. I found out that I DO NOT have congestive heart failure. I have a faulty vein in my left leg that is causing both of legs to fill with fluid, and the left leg to leak fluid. I will be going for vein treatment, but NOT at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. Dr. Eckman has NO business working with people, period!!! He should be FIRED immediately, and lose his medical license.

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Friends that have been there say it’s very understaffed so it’s very dirty and the staff that is there is lazy.

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Excellent physicians and hospital nursing staff. Compassionate care.

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