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Kinder Louisiana
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Kinder is a small town in Allen Parish, Louisiana, United States. The population was 2,477 at the 2010 census.
The Lieutenant Douglas B. Fournet Memorial Park, an American Legion enterprise, was dedicated on June 11, 1988, in Kinder to remember those who died in military service to the nation.
Kinder was the birthplace of the late Mayor J. Rayburn Bertrand of Lafayette, who served from 1960 to 1972 and presided over the near doubling of the municipal population.
Kinder is home to Coushatta Casino Resort, the largest casino resort in Louisiana. The resort includes Koasati Pines, an 18-hole par 72 championship layout golf course.
Kinder is home to manufacturing and distribution center for Miami, Florida-based marine survival equipment company Datrex Incorporated.

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