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Feeding Hills Massachusetts
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Feeding Hills is a section of the city of Agawam with its own ZIP Code (01030) and post office. Line Street in Agawam is generally accepted by residents as being the unofficial border. In the early to mid-19th century, a ditch was dug here to separate the two sections. Feeding Hills contains one quarter of the total population, as well as Provin Mountain, the highest point in the town, and many moderate-sized farms.
Today, Feeding Hills is under extensive land development in and around the Provin Mountain communities. Several farms have been split up and sold to developers, resulting in an increased real estate market. Older sections of Feeding Hills, such as those closer to Line Street and Agawam High School, have remained much the same, although in recent years have experienced an exodus of businesses to other parts of town. Feeding Hills contains several churches, shopping centers, and a variety of eateries. It is home to WWLP-TV's transmitting site atop Provin Mountain (their studio has since moved to Chicopee). Agawam's police station can be found on Springfield St., one of the subsection's most populous roads.
Of the four elementary schools and three middle/junior/senior high schools, only the junior high school and Granger Elementary are located in Feeding Hills.

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