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Social Security Filing Options for Singles

Single, childless retirees who have never been married may have fewer strategies available for claiming Social Security benefits than spouses, widows, and divorcees, but no less incentive to maximize their retirement income stream.

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What makes a university age-friendly?

Imagine the ideal university experience for students over age 50. What would it be like? When we asked you, here are some of the answers you gave.

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AgeFriendly Survey: Flexible Work Options post-COVID Have Most Older Adults Ready To Put Off Retirement

In a survey conducted by AgeFriendly, two-thirds of older adults reveal they are likely to delay retirement if it means they’ll have flexible conditions such as part-time work from home. 

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How To Get Sunshine During The Gloomy Winter Caregiving Months

It’s no mistake that one of the 6 key domains of the Age Friendliness Score is transportation. Ease of mobility can keep daily routines dynamic and avoid social isolation, but during the long winter months or in caregiving situations where a loved one’s mobility is impaired, it can become much more difficult to get out and get a daily dose of Vitamin D. 

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How To Prepare For An Aging Planet

People are living longer and having fewer children in almost every region — vastly increasing the proportion of older adults on the planet. How can humanity prepare for it? We found a man who may have some answers.

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"Ok Boomer" in the Age of Covid

As the novel coronavirus spread through the United States, a backdrop of intergenerational conflict has shaped the way the pandemic has been understood.

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Are the Events of 2020 Really Unprecedented?

Now more than ever, older adults have an important role to play in helping us all put today’s big events into context. 

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New Series: What does “age-friendly” mean to you? 

We’re on a mission to answer this question—and ultimately, to use the answer to make the world an age-friendlier place.

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The Father of The Age Friendly Cities Movement Forecasts The Future of Aging

Dr. Alexandre Kalache, who founded the Age Friendly Cities movement during his years at the World Health Organization, presented at the Aging2.0 Revolutionize conference in Boston. During his talk, he provided a glimpse into what aging looks like today, what it could look like, and how we can improve it.

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Travel Tips for Planning the Perfect Vacation Cruise

Vacation cruises are a popular vacation choice for many older adults, and it’s easy to see why: Cruises make it easy to get away on a luxurious cruise ship vacation that includes world-class entertainment, spas, 24/7 dining, shopping, and excursions in one travel package. Vacation cruises take the work out of relaxing and unwinding because everything you need is provided. They’re easy to navigate, even for older adults with accessibility requirements.

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