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Avoid These Medicare Mistakes

Even a small mistake in your Medicare choice can have a year-long impact, resulting in added premiums or out-of-pocket costs. Choosing the wrong Medicare plan could also impact your access to needed hospital and medical coverage or limit your choices in the type of care you receive. Here’s what you need to know.


What Are My Options for Medicare Advantage & Prescription Drug Plan Annual Enrollment Period?

Medicare Advantage & Prescription Drug Plan Annual Enrollment Period (also known as Medicare Fall Open Enrollment or Medicare Annual Election Period) runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. During this time, you can make changes to your existing Medicare health and drug coverage. The key to maximizing this yearly opportunity starts with knowing your options.

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5 Things to Know about Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)

Medicare Advantage & Prescription Drug Plan Annual Enrollment Period is coming up soon – that time of year when it makes good sense to review your plan options.  Are you or someone you love newly eligible for Medicare? Or maybe you’re already enrolled but looking to make sure you are getting all the benefits available to you at the best price possible? Here is what you need to know. 


Older Americans Prepped for Economic Curveballs

Economic uncertainty has older adults nearing retirement decision time seeking the safer path: working full time a little longer and committing to part-time work in retirement.  While age 64 recently has been the average for full-time retirement, a new national survey of older adults reveals most people say they’ll be ready to retire somewhere between 66 and 70. 


How Much Is Enough to Retire On?

“Wisdom of crowd” at odds with experts on how big your retirement nest egg should be.

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Half of Americans Are Retiring Involuntarily

Flip a coin.  According to a new survey of older Americans, that’s the probability of whether it’ll be your decision—or someone else’s— about when it’s time to retire.  


Top 10 Snowbirding Destinations

International destinations are rising in popularity.


Just One In Four Nursing Homes Gets A Top User-Rating on

Diamonds in the rough exist, say families who place a high importance on staffing and leadership accountability.


More Americans Say They’ll Work Longer

A new Age-Friendly Institute survey indicates Americans are planning to further push out retirement. On average, adults age 50+ who are still working say 68 is their target retirement age. 

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Will My Retirement Job Affect Social Security?

You can have your cake and eat it too when it comes to working in a retirement. In years past, Social Security laws discouraged older workers from staying on the job. But that’s no longer the case.
