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The Many Faces of Elder Financial Abuse—And How To Prevent It

Elder financial abuse is staggeringly prevalent. Benchmark Senior Living convened a panel that shared cautionary tales in addition to providing guidance to help you take steps to prevent it.


"The Five P's": Considerations When Relocating in Retirement 2

When relocating to an age-friendly community, it’s well worth weighing the “Five P's”: Purpose, People, Price, Place, and Pulse.



"As Far As I Can Go"

As many Americans think about working longer and aging actively, James Taylor’s steady vitality can serve as inspiration.


Santa Fe Artist Celebrates Aging by Making Art Out of Tea Bags

“I want to show that even after people and things seem to have already served their ‘purpose,’ they are still full of beauty and value," says artist Ann Laser.


6 Things to Consider If Debating Winter Travel

With the pandemic worsening and temperatures beginning to drop, those who typically seek winter respite in warmer climes are struggling to decide whether it’s safe and wise to do so this year. Whether you usually go south for months or days, it’s worth doing some extra research this year—especially if your age puts you at particular risk. 


Secrets to Aging Well

As the saying goes, age is just a number. What matters is how you feel as you age, inside and out. If you feel pretty good on both counts as the years go by, consider yourself aging well.


Part II: Working Longer Solves (almost) Everything

This is the second in a two-part series about benefits of older adults working longer.  The first article looked at the benefits that accrue to older adults from working longer.  This article explores the business case for older workers, or why employers should want to retain/hire older workers.


Don’t Ignore the Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Are you struggling with persistent joint pain and worried that it might be something more serious? You’re not alone. Joint pain can be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, a common condition that affects 1.5 million Americans.


Employers Can Assure Retirement For Just a Few Bucks

With slow wage growth, Americans' retirement prospects are looking grim—but what if just a few dollars an hour were the answer to the country's leisure woes?


Older Americans Prepped for Economic Curveballs

Economic uncertainty has older adults nearing retirement decision time seeking the safer path: working full time a little longer and committing to part-time work in retirement.  While age 64 recently has been the average for full-time retirement, a new national survey of older adults reveals most people say they’ll be ready to retire somewhere between 66 and 70. 
