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Survey Says: The Most Age-Friendly States

Based on 60,000+ user-submitted star ratings, here is a ranking of top states for age-friendly living.  How does your state rank? Add your own star rating and comments on your community.

Staff Researchers
Survey Says: The Most Age-Friendly States

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In the minds of older residents, how is your state faring when it comes to age-friendly living? In a first-of-its-kind survey of older adult satisfaction regarding the community they live in, the Age Friendly Institute collected more than 60,000 submissions from older residents across America. On, older residents rated their own town on Access to Care, Available Jobs/Volunteer Work, Community Engagement, Convenient Transportation, Continuing Education, and General Livability. 

The survey is ongoing, giving visibility to how sentiment changes over time, and enabling leaders to track progress and set new targets. The Age-Friendly Institute compiled responses at the state level. Delaware earned the highest ratings by its older residents, followed (in order) by Idaho, Hawaii, Arkansas, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana (see full list). “We celebrate these states, their leadership and those older Americans contributing [to the survey] to make their places better places in which to live and to age,” said Alana Officer, Unit Head, Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing at World Health Organization. She continued: “Until now, there has been no option for older people to provide continuous feedback to local leaders about the age-friendliness of their cities and communities. So today, I want to join you to celebrate a local revolution led by the Age-Friendly Institute.

Top U.S. States Announcement by World Health Organization's Alana Officer, Head of Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing

Based on 60,000+ user-submitted star ratings to, here is a ranking of the top states for age-friendly living. How does your state rank? Add your own star rating and comments on your community. receives scores for each town in America. We compiled them here by state.

States by User-Submitted Star Rating:

Rank State Star Rating
1 Delaware 4.17
2 Idaho 4.14
3 Hawaii 4.10
4 Arkansas 4.10
5 New Jersey 3.99
6 Maine 3.99
7 Massachusetts 3.93
8 South Carolina 3.91
9 Alabama 3.89
10 Louisiana 3.89
11 Alaska 3.89
12 New Mexico 3.86
13 Georgia 3.83
14 Florida 3.83
15 Wisconsin 3.80
16 Maryland 3.79
17 Wyoming 3.77
18 Oklahoma 3.77
19 California 3.76
20 Washington 3.76
21 Illinois 3.76
22 Mississippi 3.76
23 Indiana 3.76
24 Utah 3.76
25 Kentucky 3.76
26 New Hampshire 3.75
27 Michigan 3.72
28 North Carolina 3.70
29 Texas 3.69
30 Oregon 3.66
31 New York 3.66
32 Pennsylvania 3.65
33 Missouri 3.61
34 Connecticut 3.60
35 Arizona 3.58
36 Virginia 3.55
37 Rhode Island 3.55
38 Vermont 3.55
39 Montana 3.53
40 Ohio 3.52
41 Washington, DC 3.51
42 Iowa 3.49
43 Minnesota 3.48
44 Nebraska 3.47
45 Tennessee 3.46
46 West Virginia 3.38
47 Nevada 3.36
48 North Dakota 3.35
49 Kansas 3.26
50 Colorado 3.25
51 South Dakota 3.25

Methodology: See how these star ratings are collected and compiled.


Date posted: Jan 16, 2023
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