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Wellesley Massachusetts
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4.14 out of 5 stars
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Wellesley is a town in Norfolk County, Massachusetts.

The Wellesley Council on Aging has a number of programs to keep its citizens active in all phases of their life, but one of its largest contributions to the community is the brand new Tolles Parsons Senior Center. The Tolles Parsons Center has the following amenities:

  • Flexible activity rooms

  • Commercial kitchen

  • Multi-purpose room

  • Furnished outdoor patio

  • Café with seating and self-serve coffee & tea

  • Lounge with soft seating and a gas fireplace

  • Dance studio

  • Fitness center

  • And many more!

Stop by to visit the brand new facility and say "hi!"

In addition to the Tolles Parsons Center, Wellesley also offers the following programs for its citizens:

  1. Discounted meals available at the Tolles Parsons center

  2. Transportation, including a COA Bus and volunteer driver system

  3. Presentations on local and senior-focused issues such as housing, law, medicine, and safety

  4. Celebrations, sports, fitness classes, parties, socials, and movie viewings

  5. Walking groups, tours, and outings to places nearby

Would you recommend Wellesley, MA
to your older friends and family?

reviews (31)

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Walkable but no public transportation

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Many people decide to stay put after their kids are grown.  This is because it's a very livable place, and has good resources for older residents.

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Great town, very expensive

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The T-P Council on Aging is the best bet in town for older adults, along with the recently refurbished library a quarter of a mile away.

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easy access to some of the best healthcare in the country (boston) while having the ease of living in a quieter and safer neighborhood.

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