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Weatherly Pennsylvania
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Weatherly a borough in Carbon County, Pennsylvania, United States, located 12 miles (19 km) northwest of Jim Thorpe and 28 miles (45 km) south of Wilkes Barre. Early in the twentieth century, there were silk mills, foundries, a candy factory, a fabricating plant, and a cigar factory. In 1900 2,471 people lived there, and in 1910, the population was 2,501. The population was 2,525 at the 2010 census.
Originally called "Black Creek", it received a name change to "Weatherly" in 1848. Clock-maker David Weatherly, also an executive of the Beaver Meadow Railroad, made an agreement with the town that he would build them a clock if they would rename the town "Weatherly". They changed the name of the town to Weatherly, however David Weatherly skipped town without the promised clock. Charles and Eurana Schwab funded the clock that was built into the clock tower on top of the town's school, but the town kept the name Weatherly.

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