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Thank You For Claiming Your FREE* Membership!

Thank you for claiming your FREE Membership to Age Friendly Advisor!

To take advantage of your membership immediately, follow these simple steps:

  1. Register for Age Friendly Advisor by visiting this form.
  2. Search for your city, town, or ZIP code and leave a review: it could be a sentence or two or a novel—as long as it summarizes what it was like to age in your city or town.
  3. Fill out your profile with your address and interests
  4. Take advantage of your exclusive deals in your profile! (MORE COMING SOON!)
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*$9.95 value, free if you leave a review for a town/city within the first 10 days of claiming the offer.
Date posted: Oct 25, 2019
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I dont think my town is age friendly I have been looking for a job forever in Riverdale, GA. No luck.


I like to know how I can get job, but I am old sh*t. I know math very good, I have BC degree in finance I agree to do any job but no driver
Thank you


Your search engine returned no results for my zip code.


This is such a great idea for seniors to have when looking for work.

Is Your Town Age-Friendly?
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